What to expect on your first PT appointment.

We start by taking a detailed history of your current and past symptoms and medical history.

This allows us to

-rule out red flags

-hone in on what we need to evaluate

-make sure we know how painful/irritable your symptoms might be so we can make you feel comfortable throughout the process

Next we do our baseline assessment of

-how you move

-range of motion



-functional activities.

Using this information we start to form a hypothesis of what might be causing your symptoms and what we need to address.

We will often follow this up by testing your symptom response to different types of movement to help us confirm or deny what we think is going on.

Once we have a better idea of what is contributing to your symptoms,

-we explain what is going on

- start treatment

- give you things to work on until our follow up appointment.

We decide when is appropriate to follow up to re-assess and progress.

Usually this is within 2-7 days of the initial appointment .


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